Dill Wali Gali Mein

Dil Wali Gali Mein

The Pakistani drama, “Dil Wali Gali Mein,” released its first episode on March 2 , 2025, which was the start of Ramadan that year. The series was directed by Kashif Nisar and written and produced by Momina Dhuraid under her MD Productions. “Dil Wali Gali Mein” is aired on Hum TV which is famous for its alluring story and stunning acting in the series.

Overview of the Drama

In drama Sajal Aly portrays Deeju, an energetic young woman living in a colorful locality. Determined to create an impact, Deeju wishes to excel in her career as well as her marriage. The plot revolves around her dreams and struggles along with the marriage of Deeju and Hamza Sohail’s character Mujtaba Siddiqui. This series uses the blend of comedy and drama to tackle intricate topics such as love, family, and community in an entertaining manner. You can like to see about Dastak

Dil Wali Gali Mein

Cast and Characters

Main characters 

  • Khadija Adnan (Deeju): Portrayed by Sajjal Ali, Deeju is on a journey of self-discovery. 
  • Hamza Sohail enacts the role of Deeju’s husband, Mujtaba Siddiqui. Their marriage is fundamental to the story of “Dil Wali Gali Mein”.
Dill Wali Gali Mein
Hamza Sohail
Dill Wali Gali Mein
Sajjal Ali

Supporting Characters  

  • Saba Faisal: A veteran actress who has acted in Habs, Khuda aur Mohabbat and many other series. She supports the plot of this series with her acting.   
  • Saqib Sumeer: Sumeer is known to mold himself into any role which adds distinctiveness to the drama.  
  • Uzma Hassan: A very skillful actress, contributes a great deal to the series.  
  • Abid Ali: A very complete actor adds his share to the rest of the cast.  
  • Munazzah Arif: Munazzah is well recognized from the series Sinf-e-Aahan, Mere Humnasheen and other films. She showcases her skills in this series.   
  • Maham Namaz: A fresh face in the acting industry who is bound to wow audiences with this Ramadan Special.   

All These characters play a key role in Dill Wali Gali Mein Drama.

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When and Where To Watch

Dil Wali Gali Mein is a Hum TV daily that runs on the air every day of the month of Ramadan at 7:00p.m PST and shows new episodes every day. Loosely translated as The Street with a Heart, Dharma means a ‘gift’ or ‘benevolence’ while Gabai means ‘to paint, depict or portray’. Episodes are available on Hum TV’s official YouTube page and website for those who did not catch the airing. You may like Ay Ishq e Junoon.

Theme and Message

The series of Dil Wali Gali Mein looks into love, family relationships, and how the community is intertwined. The series follows Deeju’s journey both inward to her personal goals and outward towards societal expectations and integrations. It focuses on the self discovery and pursuit of following a dream within a traditional value system. The drama captures the need to understand, support and be resilient in relationships. It serves the purpose of entertainment as well as deep contemplation of the issues presented.You may like to see about other Pakistani Drama like Bharam. You can see the promo of umcoming episode by clicking on the givn link.


“Dil Wali Gali Mein” brings together comedic and sentimental narratives, which makes it unique to the Pakistani Theatrical landscape. The audiences’ connection with the characters makes this a must watch during the Ramadan period. With an equally skilled cast and crew, the series manages to strike a balance between entertainment and discussing love, community, and self-development.

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